Homeopathy is a treatment founded by a German medical physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in 1796. The method is grounded in the ‘Law of Similars’: a principle of like cures like, based on the idea that the substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person will be the same substance used to cure symptoms in a sick person. Practitioners have been offering this form of healing since the late 1800s.


The word ‘natural’ has been tossed around and improperly used over the course of the 21st century, but in its rightful and true sense, ‘natural’ applies to homeopathic remedies. All homeopathic remedies are made from substances found in nature: plants, animals, and minerals. There are no additives or preservatives in homeopathic remedies.

Because a homeopathic remedy is an energetic medicine, it acts on the body’s energy to stimulate the body to heal. A homeopathic prescription is based on the uniqueness of each individual. A practitioner uses this individual distinctiveness to match each remedy to a specific person. Of particular significance, homeopathy does not treat the disease itself, but rather it treats the individual with the disease.

Homeopathic remedies are helpful in treating physical complaints, as well as mental and emotional issues, both chronic and acute. Homeopathy is an extremely safe and effective treatment and can be used in conjunction with any traditional medicine.

Any individual undergoing homeopathic treatment should stay on prescribed medications until a consult with his or her medical physician suggests that prescription and/or over the counter medications can be reduced in strength or stopped altogether.